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SQL Database [Help]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:07 pm
by preasedood
As stated in the README file
Code: Select all
Daddy's File Host is a free file and image hosting script.
It is modeled after many popular free file hosts such as rapidshare and megaupload. It is easy
to set up and does require a MySQL database!

DFH requires a mysql database, so i create one in my host, how do I connect it with my site
Is there any file to edit, to add the table name/username/pass etc, cant seem to find it.
any help?

Re: SQL Database [Help]

PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 6:05 am
by SamEA
Sorry, that is a grammar error. Please report this in the Bug Tracker forum (viewforum.php?f=16) and I will resolve it soon.

DFH does not require MySQL nor a MySQL database as it runs on a Flat-File database. The only requirement for the database storage is to CHMOD ./files, ./storage and various other folders as mentioned in the README file.

Thank you for the reminder.